International Publishers

Profiles Marketing Group can offer International publishers magazines services for those looking for a USA firm to expand their magazine offerings in North America.

Accept Subscriptions in US Dollars

Profiles Marketing Group can simplify the money conversion process which should greatly enhance subscribers ability and willingness to purchase your title(s) by accepting payment for your publication in US dollars. With our internet portal ‘Magazine Museum’ ( your publication will look like an established magazine with a professional order center. Our staff will process the orders, database the names, and forward your payment and new subscriber information monthly. Additionally, we can keep your USA database and mail your USA editions upon publication.

Accept Subscriptions / Renewals to USA P.O. Box

Profiles Marketing Group can simplify the international mailing process by accepting and processing your mail for US subscriptions and/or renewals which should greatly enhance subscribers ability and willingness to purchase your title(s). Our staff will process the orders, database the names, and forward your payment and new subscriber information monthly.

Printing/ Mailing US Versions.

Profiles Marketing Group can take your database and mail your USA subscriber base direct. This should save $$ and time from mailing them individually from overseas. Our firm could take your issues digital files and do a complete US printed version of each magazine title should your circulation size benefit economically from doing so. Special language changes and other special modifications as needed are also available.

Magazine Publisher represents, on a very limited basis, individual international magazine titles for acceptance to US newsstands. We only do so for magazines that have a good history of publication. Each title is reviewed on several different aspects.

For a review of your title send samples to:

Magazine Newsstand Review
P.O. Box 30159
Knoxville, TN 37930

On all submissions please include your contact information including phone and e-mail address.

Other US Magazine Services

Our firm can set up other US services as requested…contact one of our magazine experts for your particular magazine needs.

We also offer Digital back issue sales and storage for your magazine. Visit for details.